Hello my German learning friends,

great to see you here!! In today’s blog post, we’re going to learn how to count from 1 to 10 in German. So, what are we waiting for…? No long introduction today! Let’s just do it! 🙂

Eins (1)

For example: Eine der Waschmaschinen ist kaputt.”
(“One of the washing machines is broken.”)

(*Side note: “Eins” is the only German number that has to be declinated – which means it changes depending on the gender of the following noun, e.g. “ein“ + [m]/[n], eine + [f], and the case (here: nominative.)


Zwei (2)

e.g. “Ich bin müde! Ich habe gerade zwei Mäuse gegessen.”
(“I am tired, I just ate two mice!”)


Drei (3)

e.g. “Die drei Frösche sind sportlich.”
(“The three frogs are sporty.”)


Vier (4)

e.g. “Die vier Fliegen trinken Bier.”
(“The four flies are drinking beer.”)


Fünf (5)

e.g. “Eine Hand hat fünf Finger.”
(“A hand has five fingers.”)


Sechs (6)

e.g. “Diese sechs Personen sind Arbeitskollegen.”
(“These six people are coworkers.”)


Sieben (7)

e.g. “Ich habe alles auf die Sieben gesetzt.
(“I put all my money on the 7.”)

Acht (8)

e.g. “Das sind acht Zebras.”
(“There are eight zebras.”)


Neun (9)

e.g. “Ich meinte: das sind neun Zebras.”
(“I meant: there are 9 zebras.”)


Zehn (10)

e.g. “Ich habe meine zehn Hosen gewaschen.”
(“I washed my 10 pairs of paints.”)

Okay, folks! This was how to count from 1 to 10 in German!! Thanks for coming by! 🙂

As always, you’ll find the according youtube video below this blog post. You should definitely check it out if you want to hear me talking about all the new phrases of today’s lesson! 🙂

Aaaaand… also: please let me know in the comments below this blog post if you have any questions! And by the way:

How do you count from 1 to 10 in your language? 🙂

I’m looking forward to reading from you! See you soon for another little German lesson! 

Bye bye,
yours Brina 🙂